Hidden Damage in Your Home After a Flood

Nobody wants to find their home damaged by a flood but it can happen. Torrential rains, hurricanes, and other forces of nature can inundate homes in floodwaters and can cause massive damage. When the water subsides and repairs as well as restoration begins, keep in mind that not all damage brought about by the water can be easily seen. Your home may be hiding the damage that can cause problems for you and your family in the near future.

Types of Hidden Damage After a Flood

Even when you’ve put your house back together after a flood, you might still need the help of a home restoration expert. This is because not all problems that are brought by flooding can be easily seen after the water goes away. Some of the hidden issues your home may be susceptible to after a flood include the following:

  • Mold growth – This is one of the things people tend to neglect to check for after a flood and with good reason. Molds don’t grow immediately after the floodwaters are gone. These take some time to develop and can grow in hidden places like your home’s crawl space, inside your walls, and in other hard to reach places. These can even grow in your ceiling even though the floodwaters did not reach that high. The presence of moisture and the humidity that comes after a flood can cause dangerous moldy growths in your home, which need to be addressed the moment they are detected.
  • Structural issues – To ensure that your home is safe to move back into after a flood, when you have water damage restoration done, make sure that they do a thorough check. That includes the checking of the structural integrity of your home. If your home’s posts, foundation, and other structural elements have been compromised by the flood, repairs to these should be done before you and your family move back in.
  • Humidity and hidden water – This is another problem that people don’t address until it is too late. Some people move back into their homes without having it thoroughly dried out with the use of dehumidifiers and drying machines. They often find out that there is water and excess moisture hiding in their walls and ceilings after people develop health problems and the homes show signs of structural issues.

Taking Care of Hidden Problems Caused by Flooding

The only way you can guarantee that you and your family move back into your home safely is to have a professional do a thorough check. Aside from asking that the structural integrity of your home be checked, you should also request the removal of excess moisture in all rooms of your home. This will help prevent the growth of dangerous and toxic black mold. If you do find your home is infested with molds a few days or weeks after a flood, these same professionals can help you with mold removal and remediation.

When you need help with any of these issues after a flood, give us a call. We are a company that can help you take care of all these and more.

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