How Do You Fix Water Damaged Wood

There are several reasons why water-damaged wood happens in our homes. One of the leading causes is natural catastrophes can reach the whole property and have severe damage. In addition, your home’s valuables could sustain severe damage from flooding without proper prevention or preparation.

Depending on the type of furniture you have and the extent of the flooding in your home, you may be able to save your wet furniture after a flood. Solid wood is less porous than upholstered or particleboard furniture, so it is more likely to be held.

Today’s article will help us understand water-damaged wood—the powerful solution and causes of water to wood items—finally, the importance of hiring a water-damaged restoration expert.

Dangers of water-damaged wood furniture

Natural disasters, faulty plumbing, and leaking roofs can result in water damage to furniture and wood pieces. In addition, water can cause the wooden furniture to distort, which is the leading cause of concern. Furniture joints may enlarge due to wicking up moisture, becoming unstable, or sustaining other structural harm.

Observing numerous pieces of antique furniture drenched in floodwater is the most upsetting water damage situation. They are assembling these valuable pieces of wood involving protein-based glues initially. To varying degrees, these glues are water-soluble. Therefore, submerged wood objects may lose joints, veneers, and appendages. Consequently, it is essential to handle these goods as little as possible in case of water damage. Avoid touching the damaged surfaces if you have to relocate them.

Finally, you may call your local water damage restoration pros to help you fix the water-damaged wood in your home. To avoid further damage that can cause to your valuables and family members.

Fixing water-damaged wood

It is challenging to repair flooded wood; valuable wood items need to restore from water-damaged to maintain strength and value. Similarly, water can also produce poisonous molds and mildews.

Following are the ways to fix water-damaged wood, whether furniture or small pieces of lumber.

Determine the stains

The first step is to evaluate the problem carefully. Next, locate and identify the stains, including the dark gray and black stains and whitish marks, often known as flushing or bloom. Black water stains in the wood, as opposed to white markings generally in the finish, indicate more severe damage.

Eliminate any rotten wood

When wood is moist and water-soaked in, it rots quickly. Therefore, a homeowner should carefully remove any decaying wood with a chisel by cutting through the dry, hard interior surfaces.

Dry the furnishings

One evident approach for wood furniture that has swelled up is to dry it off completely. Laying it out in the sun can help it lose its moisture. For example, the table should dry completely, but not too quickly, since this could cause the wood to move or break.

Consider using a belt sander.

After the furniture has dried, you might want to sand it with a belt sander and a finishing sander. The belt sander is the easiest and quickest way to grind your tabletop. The finishing sander is excellent for getting a smooth surface. Finally, you might want to use both tools to make old wood look new again.

Water Damage Warning Signs

Every homeowner wants wood interiors or hardwood floors in their new home. However, it could be costly and might need more care to keep it looking beautiful. Furthermore, you may protect your hardwood floors from harm by being aware of the warning indications of water damage. The best method to protect your wood for many years is to take precautions and catch any damage as soon as possible.

Following are the visible warning signs that you may use to identify water damage in your wood. The cheaper the repairs will be, the sooner you realize these benefits.

  1. A cupped wood floor’s edges will curl upward, giving the floor’s surface an uneven appearance.
  2. The color of your wooden boards may also start to alter, indicating damage.
  3. An interaction between tannins in the wood and minerals in the water produces pigments.
  4. Furniture exposed to water will eventually swell and distort, opposite cupping.

Tips for preventing water damage to wooden furniture

  • Some of the most outstanding natural oil treatments can assist in preserving wood. Dark-grained woods like mahogany and walnut respond very well to these oils. In addition, natural oils may remove scratches and scuffs, restore wooden furniture, and make your lumber more resistant to water damage when combined with mineral spirit and polyurethane.
  • Consider using a sealant. Polyurethane, varnish, and lacquer have been proven waterproof. In addition, it is easy to apply to your wood furniture.
  • Utilize a stain-sealant mixture. With a stain-sealer combo, you can add color and keep water damage from happening in one step. Stain-sealing products use oil-based, water-based, and alkyd-based pigments and binders.
  • Reapplying stain-sealer products on outdoor wood once a year will keep the wood protected.
  • Applying oxalic acid to the wood’s surface in many instances can reverse any damage in a seemingly supernatural manner.

Summary of findings

Wood is an organic material, so microorganisms can naturally break it down and cause it to rot. In addition, mold and mildew grow faster on water-damaged and swollen wood. If you don’t treat water-damaged wood, it can get discolored, stained, scratched, rot, and eventually fall apart, causing you to lose your furniture.


You will save time, money, and stress if you act quickly to treat water-damaged, swollen wooden furniture and get rid of molds. Additionally, if you don’t know what to do about the water damage to your wooden furniture, you will need to hire a professional to help you fix your valuable furniture. You can consult a water-damaged restoration company to ensure taking care of swollen, water-damaged wood. It will also help you avoid the health risks that come with the mold. Remember how much it means to you and fix your water-damaged furniture immediately.

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